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Rare SCABBARD for WW II Japanese Samurai COPPER HANDLE NCO Sword/Antique/Old WW2

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1 super rare scabbard for a World War II Japanese copper handle NCO sword available.  This rare scabbard would make an important addition to any collection, and would complete a copper handle NCO sword that is missing its scabbard.

The scabbard for the early copper handle NCO sword had a brass plug instead of a drag fitting.  See the reference photos 5 & 6 above from Jim Dawson's excellent reference book, Swords of Imperial Japan 1868-1945 Cyclopedia Edition.

The throat fitting is missing from this scabbard, but is the same throat fitting as the later NCO sword scabbards--which are way more commonplace.  So a throat fitting can be pulled from an old or rough condition later NCO sword scabbard and put on this early scabbard.  There is some expected corrosion on the scabbard--a little more towards the brass plug end.  The scabbard was perhaps stored leaning up against a wall in a more damp area like a basement.  This scabbard is so very hard to find. 

This scabbard represents a rare opportunity to complete a copper handle NCO sword that came back from the War with no scabbard. 

Specific Name Specific Value
Period World War 2
Country Japan
Item Scabbard for Copper Handle NCO Sword

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