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Antique German Alcoso WW2 Nazi Miniature Army Dagger -Salesman Sample -Old

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Note: This antique World War 2 Nazi item was captured by a United States serviceman.  Items like this dagger were bringbacks by U.S. soldiers.  People collect them, because our World War 2 G.I.'s found it important to bring home something that they took from the enemy. 


1 antique World War 2 Nazi Army miniature dagger available. 

This Army dagger miniatures were made as Salesman's samples--basically, the manufacturers saying they can make regulation daggers for your officers that look just like this. 

This miniature was made by ALCOSO, and is so marked on the tang.  This miniature measures just 8 9/16" overall.  The metal fittings look to have a Silver-wash. 

This WW2 German Nazi miniature dagger two small chips in the handle.  The guard is loose so will move when touched.  There is a small dent at the blade tip.  The blade has some plating wear. 

Specific Name Specific Value
Period World War 2
Country Germany
Item Miniature Army Dagger
Maker Alcoso
Type Nazi

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