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Old Japanese Samurai Tachi -WWII WW2 Bringback Sword -Antique Koto Blade

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St. Croix Blades BUYS Japanese swords and armor.  Call 715-557-1688 or email to sell your sword or collection.


1 World War 2 bringback Samurai sword.  This tachi-style Japanese Samurai sword would make an important addition to any collection.


This mumei old family blade measures 24 1/8" (61.2 cm) from blade tip to notch in the blade spine.  This is a big meaty sword.  This sword could prove to be something special--submitting this sword to shinsa is recommended.  


What a beautiful tachi tsuka.  Excellent work.  


The blade is in original Japanese polish.  The blade has the expected carbon staining.  The hamon and boshi are perfectly healthy.  There are just a couple of small nicks.  What a beautiful blade.  


Specific Name Specific Value
Period Koto--before 1596 A.D.
Country Japan

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